Gutsy Yoga

Become a Stronger, Unstoppable Version of You!
Take control of your digestive system instead of letting it control you.

Tired of feeling like your digestive issues affect your whole day: including how much rest you get, what you can get done, when and what you eat, and even your sex life?

On a strict diet, but still don’t feel any better? In fact, do you feel WORSE than ever when you ‘cheat’ — and can’t figure out why?

Been to specialist after specialist, yet still don’t have an answer (or even a diagnosis)?

Have so many bad reactions to food that you have no clue what you can even eat anymore?

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

You’re not alone!

These are the kind of feelings my clients were dealing with on a daily basis. Then, they joined me for regular Gutsy Yoga sessions and things shifted!

I’ve designed my program to help people just like you and I create quick, profound transformations. When people show up and do the work, they end up having  testimonials  like these:

“After doing Gutsy Yoga, I’m hungry for breakfast – which is really something, being on chemo. It’s the only meal I have when I don’t have indigestiona nd bloating. Without this practice, I just don’t feel ready to face the world.” ~Nadine

“I never used to like Yoga. Usually, the teacher is a pretzel, most of the students are pretzels and I end up feeling awful about myself because I can’t make my body do the things they’re doing. Now, I enjoy every class and my digestion is better than it’s been since 1998.” ~ Kim

“Committing to my own Self-care 3 mornings each week has been a big deal. My histamine response is about half of what it was, so I’m getting exactly what I need.” ~ Jen

“Even when I don’t have time to get to class, I use the simple tools I’ve learned in Gutsy Yoga all the time. They really help to beat anxiety!” ~ Stephanie

“Since the short time I’m back to practice, I have noticed slight changes like my body is relaxed, better posture and a better digestion. It’s so simple!” ~Yana

“It’s astounding to me at how such simple deliberate movements and breathing techniques have increased my stamina, range of movement, and strength. My digestion has also improved. Thanks Holly!” ~ Deborah

What kind of results would make life feel joyful for YOU?

I’m here to tell you it can happen!

You CAN stop feeling like a prisoner in your own body.

You CAN stop stressing about every bite of food you put in your mouth and whether it’s going to send you running to the nearest bathroom.

It’s time for you to live a Big Gutsy Life where you can just eat and feel good.

How do I know? Because I’ve been where you are.

I struggled with major digestive issues starting in my early 20’s. Food intolerances. Chronic fatigue. Candida. You name it… it made my life miserable.

My health was a mess.

Back then, the medical field didn’t know as much as they do now. Honestly, most doctors would act like you were lying or exaggerating about your symptoms because “gut health” just wasn’t on their radar.

I didn’t have anyone to hold my hand. So I had to figure it out on my own.

It took me 25 years of putting in the work to understand my body and what it needed to function properly.

Now I help other people do the same — so you can skip all the trial and error and go straight to the results you want.

In fact, many Gutsy Yoga members are getting results in just a few sessions.

Here’s why:

  • In every class, we practice specific poses that help support proper digestion
  • I offer variations on the poses for your ‘Gutsy Type’, strength, and ability, so you can keep up regardless of if you’re new to yoga or have been practicing for years
  • I share simple practices that help you rewire the deep, subconscious habits that keep your body stuck in Flight or Flight mode and help you move into Rest & Digest
  • I also share proven Ayurvedic wisdom to help you balance your entire system so your digestion will improve as well

I know we all have busy lives, so I keep things simple and efficient.


You can experience the benefits just by working the Gutsy Yoga program for 30-45 minutes, 3 times per week.

No yoga experience necessary! I’ll teach you everything you need to know.


Access to 3 live classes per week (Monday and Friday from 8:30 – 9am MT and a relaxation-focused session on Wednesday from 8:30 – 9:15am MT)
24/7 access to recordings in our ever-growing Gutsy Yoga library
Join now to lock in the Founders’ Rate of   just $45 per month   before the price goes up!